

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Back from Bintan - this time there were no monitor lizards in sight - although there were birds aplenty and rat like squirrels in the trees near the pool. Of course it's great to have massages - and they certainly know how to do these well. The beach was lovely to look at and for paddling along the shore, however the red flags and warnings from the security men put us off going in - what a shame. The undertow did look strong. I could easily have stayed for a couple of weeks - well it felt like that would have been in order....

Since being back I have been busy on the buddha painting - it is coming along quite well. I am enjoying the colours - yellow, blue, beige and some browny-red. I wish I had photographed the wooden carving behind the desk at the hotel - it is wonderfully full of sea images and has some excellent designs on it. Maybe this will lead to a return trip there before too long, so that I can look at it in more detail, and draw some of its images. It doesn't seem wrong to use decorative features from other people's art work - I so enjoy the repeat patterns in Indonesian carvings and materials. There is a peaceful quality to them and some of the colours are quite understated - burnt oranges, browns, yellows, and some black too.

That's all for now as the evening has drifted away - nearly time to turn in...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My possible return to painting

Inspired to begin writing - not that I don't do some writing every day - usually notes about some child's poor behaviour - but that is not where I wish to start.

It would be excellent to chart my return to painting and making the many pictures that are somewhere in my consciousness. For today it might be too late - having some exercise, i.e. a swim, before bed time, beckons....a simple brush stroke with green paint on my 'buddha inspired' painting is all I've done tonight. The only completed paintings which have gone anywhere recently were two which I gave away! Yes, gave away - to George's Danish boss. This means two of my small pics are in Denmark, which is more than I could have said a couple of months ago. I may post my photos of them here...
This is all for tonight