

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Images for the 'Golden Buddha' - June 2012
(Not to be copied without my permission.)

And a very early image from the early 70's - not to be copied without my permission!

Here are the images of paintings from 2000, which are now available on greetings cards and can be ordered. (All images are copyright and not to be used without my permission.)

                                          Number 1 - 2000

                                                     Number  2 - 2000

Number 3 - 2000 (Tokoloshe)

Number 4 - 2000

Number 5 - 2000

Number 6 - 2000

Number 7 - 2000

Number 8 - 2000 

and Number 9 - 2000 (below) which is the last in this series:


Recent Art work made into greetings cards...

Here are my recent paintings which have been made into greetings cards. I am giving them names so that they can be ordered. (All images are copyrighted and may not be used without my permission.)

                                              Ganesha, the Balinese Elephant Buddha

 'Singaporean CNY'

African landscape

                                                            Antipodean mixed landscape

African Roots

                                                                      Mask and Deer

France in December